2016.08-2017.08:國家公派聯合培養,Case Western Reserve University🤸🏼♀️,企業流程設計與創新
1. 上海市青年教師資助項目🔶,2022/01-2023/12,主持🐼。
2. 教育部產學研協同育人項目,2022/01-2022/12,主持↙️。
(1) Fu G, Li B, Yang Y, et al. Re-ranking and TOPSIS-based ensemble feature selection with multi-stage aggregation for text categorization[J]. Pattern Recognition Letters, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.patrec.2023.02.027. (SCI)
(2) Fu G, Li B. Platform firm’s it capabilities, external informal knowledge governance, and green knowledge integration in low-carbon economy[J]. Security and Communication Networks, 2022, 2022: 1-11. (SCI)
(3)Fu G, Li B, Yang Y, et al. A Multi-Distance Ensemble and Feature Clustering Based Feature Selection Approach for Network Intrusion Detection[C]//2022 International Symposium on Sensing and Instrumentation in 5G and IoT Era (ISSI). IEEE, 2022: 160-164.
(4) Fu G, Wei Q, Yang Y, et al. IoT-based gearbox fault diagnosis for quayside container cranes[C]//2022 International Symposium on Sensing and Instrumentation in 5G and IoT Era (ISSI). IEEE, 2022: 18-23.
(5) Guanghua Fu, Jian Zhang, Xinhua BI. Research on the Influence of Heterogeneity of University Teacher Team and Knowledge Governance on Innovation Ecology in Colleges[J]. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 2018, 62. (SSCI)
(6) Zhang Jian, Ming Ji, Ch Mahmood Anwar, Quanxi Li, and Guanghua Fu. Zhang J, Ji M, Anwar C M, et al. Cross-level impact of team goal orientation and individual goal orientation on individual creativity[J]. Journal of Management & Organization, 2020, 26(5): 677-699. (SSCI)
(7) Xu Q, Fu G, Fan D. Service sharing, profit mode and coordination mechanism in the Online-to-Offline retail market[J]. Economic Modelling, 2020, 91: 659-669. (SSCI)
(8) 付廣華,畢新華,陳立軍.商業生態系統中企業外部非正式知識治理對知識整合的影響研究——基於社會資本視角[J].情報理論與實踐,2018, 41(10):66-72.
(9) 付廣華, 畢新華, 張健. 商業生態系統的信息生態治理機製研究 [J]. 科技管理研究, 2018, 38(18): 195-201.
(10) 李全喜,張健,趙丹,付廣華.信息細化在實證研究中的角色演化及未來展望:基於國外文獻[J].情報雜誌,2016,35(09):182-186+134.