講座1:Ocean Container Transportation in Global Supply Chains -- Optimization Models and Algorithms
時間:2019-07-08 14:00-16:30
With the development of global trades and advances of information and transportation technologies, ocean container transportation becomes a critical part of global supply chains. There is a number of critical issues in ocean container transportation to be addressed for global supply chains. Unlike road or air transportation, ocean transportation services have important characteristics such as capital intensive, unbalance between supply bases and demand destinations, and difficulty in adjusting supplies when demands vary. In this talk, we discuss several optimization models and algorithms for improving operations in ocean container transportation, including container terminal operations, global container transport network design, container repositioning, and steaming of ocean container transportation.
Bio of the Speaker:
萬國華現任上海交通大學特聘教授(Distinguished Professor),博士生導師。他在華中理工大學、上海交通大學和香港科技大學分別獲得學士、碩士和博士學位。2007年加入上海交通大學之前,曾在香港科技大學、澳門大學和紐約大學從事科研和教學工作。他於2011年獲得國家傑出青年科學基金,2014年獲上海市"育才獎",2016年入選"上海市優秀學術帶頭人"計劃。
主要研究興趣包括:物流與供應鏈管理、服務運作管理、信息系統及管理,研究成果發表於Operations Research, Management Science, INFORMS Journal on Computing, Mathematics of Operations Research, Naval Research Logistics, IISE Transactions和European Journal of Operational Research等學術刊物。現任Production and Operations Management的Senior Editor,Journal of Management Analytics的Associate Editor,以及《系統管理學報》編委。
講座2:Vessel Routing and Scheduling Problems in Large Container Transshipment Ports
時間:2019-07-09 14:00-16:30
Abstract: In large container transshipment ports, terminals and depots are often located separately in a regional coastal area, requiring efficient inter-terminal container pick-up and delivery operations. Small vessels are usually employed for inter-terminal cargo movement tasks. Various port operational requirements, such as restricted opening time for shuttle vessels, cargo ready time and due time, should be satisfied. Therefore, a need exists for systematic approaches to developing efficient shuttle vessel operation routes and schedules to fulfill the cargo movement requests. In this paper, we study the shuttle vessel operation planning problem and develop two integer multi-commodity network flow models with side constraints. The first model is built upon a traditional time-space network with vessel flows and cargo flows modelled separately. Observing that cargo requests seldom pass through more than one intermediate stop, we represent the vessel activity explicitly in the network and propose an improved time-space-activity network flow model. Enhancement techniques are further employed to control the network size and strengthen the quality of the linear programming relaxation. Computational experiments are conducted and the results show that proposed network flow models is capable of finding effective operation plans in an efficient manner.
Dr. Jiangang Jin is an Associate Professor of the School of Naval Architecture, Ocean & Civil Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He received the Bachelor's degree in civil engineering from Tsinghua University in 2009, and the Ph.D. degree in civil and environmental engineering from the National University of Singapore in 2013. His research interests lies in the application of large scale modeling and optimization to transportation and logistics systems, such as container port operations, public transportation system optimization. He has published more than 30 referred papers in international journals and conferences, such as Transportation Science, Transportation Research Part B/C/E. He is serving as Area Editor for the journal of Computers & Industrial Engineering, and also a member in Standing Committee on Ports and Channels of Transportation Research Board.
金建鋼現任上海交通大學船舶海洋與建築工程意昂副教授。於清華大學、新加坡國立大學分別獲得學士和博士學位。曾任新加坡-麻省理工研究與科技聯盟研究助理。主要從事大規模組合優化、整數規劃、網絡優化等理論方法在交通和物流系統的應用研究。運輸網絡中的大規模組合優化問題研究是國際上交通科學與工程領域的研究熱點,近年來針對軌道交通和航運領域的運輸網絡大規模組合優化問題開展了定製化的算法設計研究。主持國家自然科學基金面上項目1項、青年項目1項、重點項目子課題1項;在Transportation Science、Transportation Research Part A/B/C/E等期刊上發表論文20多篇。入選上海市青年科技啟明星計劃、上海市晨光計劃;同麻省理工意昂聯合獲得美國運籌學與管理科學學會鐵路優化競賽一等獎。受邀擔任SCI期刊Computers & Industrial Engineering領域主編、美國交通運輸研究理事會港口與航道委員會委員。
時間:2019-07-10 09:30-11:30
個人簡歷:2000-2005在復旦大學計算機系CAT實驗室攻讀博士學位,專業計算機系統結構。2005-2014 在上海中遠資訊科技有限公司負責中遠集運信息化科研項目申請與實施,完成多項歐盟科、國家科技支撐計劃和市級的科研項目。
2014-至今 泛亞電商CTO,從事泛亞航運電商平臺的實施等項目工作,作為連接航運業務與IT技術之間的橋梁。泛亞航運電商是國內首家具有支付功能的船公司平臺,影響力日益增強。